Dear Weary Mom: They Grow Up Far Too Fast 2.0

I wrote this Dear Weary Mom post in January 2014. We had 4 kids ranging from almost 4 to 8 years old. I BLINKED!!!!! It’s been 10 years!!!


In that original post I talked about them overcoming some hard things in 2013. To be honest I have NO IDEA what those hard things were because what I didn’t know when I penned those words was nothing held a candle to what was going to happen in September of 2014.

Hindsight is always 2020. As I look back over that post and I see the realization that “God has taught me to love my little sinners for who they are…not who I want them to become” Was the groundwork that was being laid to help my children through the mess that would consume us some 9 months later.

It’s good for us to document these things. So we can see how God led us or carried us through the sometimes thick muck of life. It’s why God instructed the Israelites to set up stones of remembrance. So they didn’t forget where they had come from…..and what God had brought them through.

Now my kids are 14 through 18. We are entering new phases of life almost everyday now it seems. Today I find myself weary not from hard things at the moment but busyness that 4 active teenagers bring. Sports, worship team practice, friendships, acts of service, jobs and all the things that come from a graduating senior life speeds by. The realizations that I will have a graduating senior every year for the next three years is not lost on me and that makes me feel WEARY.

I’m so incredibly thankful for that lesson 10 years ago to meet them where they are. It’s something I try to hold onto each and everyday.

Even in my weariness of all the busyness and happy chaos. (and sometimes the not so happy chaos) I know that Jesus is the hope that gets me through.

You can check out all my Dear Weary Mom posts here.

This post series is based on a book called Hope for the Weary Mom. This book literally saved me from myself. It’s words of hope and truth from God’s word helped me to be the mom I am today!

Weekly Update – Week 4


Wowsers….I cannot believe that we are at our week 4 update! Day 30 to be exact! It’s the longest blogging streak I have ever had and even though I had a glitch with the blogI still wrote the posts and all I had do was copy and paste them into the post template!

Hello Fears Update

HA! I finally finished reading chapter 3. Things have slowed down quite a bit and I am finally settling into a routine. And I finally feeling like I am accomplishing something!

I will be sharing the journaling parts of this chapter and the rest that I accomplish on Friday this week so stay tuned.


I want tyou to remember that I have not yet reviewed this book and just because I am blogging my way through this book I have not yet recommended it. I will write my review when I am finished with the book!

If you are interested you can Check out Michelle Poler’s Youtube channel here

Family Update

We are well into the soccer season and we have already had two gamed Child #1 and Child #2 are having a lot of fun learning and improving their skills. We are also into our third week of homeschooling and the kids have done great! Even with some of the extra things we have going on. I have been growing leaps and bounds in so many areas and I got the results f my 1 month iron infusion results back. I’m normal…..WELL…….Nevermind! and hubby, well there are some amazing things happening for our family and we are excited to see where God is leading us.

Blogging Update

I am so excited to share some upcoming ideas with you tomorrow. I have had some aha moments this week specifically in church on Sunday. I am constantly amazed just how much God knows us! I shouldn’t be. But then moments happen like Sunday that leave me sitting staring at the pastor (a friend of ours for over 20 years) with my mouth hanging open. I know he didn’t know what has been on my mind. I mean I didn’t even tell my hubby- they have been just ideas swirling around in my head- I haven’t even uttered them in prayer yet. And wow- now I have answers. Stay tuned tomorrow for those details!

What have I learned by Choosing Courage

Perhaps the biggest thing I have learned this week is a mistake or maybe it’s better described as a trap I have fallen into. That trap was something that came to light on Sunday- but I am not talking about that tomorrow . I am going to share that part of Sunday right now.

When I took on this writing project I made a promise to you my readers and to myself that I was going to be Honest where I am at.

So let me be honest

This aha moments started a few weeks ago when I filled out a questionnaire for Pastor’s wives for a potential pastor position for hubby and one of the questions had to do with devotions and Bible study. Now I am a firm believer that you need to have both but sometimes we get confused… we let ourselves get lost in the process of Bible study……We almost have tunnel vision as we seek out the tiny details. It’s not like the Bible becoming a textbook per see- it’s like playing hide n seek with details. We need to study God’s word and we need to understand it and that is very helpful but it can become less personal.

Our pastor on Sunday reminded the congregation of the challenge he brought to them at the beginning of the year (we didn’t attend that church at the time. So we didn’t hear it. He challenged them to be immersed in as much God’s words possible. And I generally do that but something happened …actually a bunch of things happened…..

I Lost my Passion

I lost my passion because of damaging words…words that assumed they knew my heart….knew me. They assumed they could determine my motive because of what I wrote. Sadly as those words flew from their fingertips and their mouths I built a wall….around my heart. but it wasn’t the people…it was God’s word . Because That is where my passion came from. That is what motivated my writing. And when I stopped soaking in the word, my passion crumbled and my words now felt forced.

That list I have of blog post ideas- they were all born out of reading God’s word but as it sat on those planner pages the passion tricked out of them….and as I have tried to revisit them, I cannot pull back that passion out of them.

So what now?

So last night I talked to my friend who is the beginning of my prayer team and shared with her all the things. And so I know where these posts originated from- mostly the epistles- so everyday I am going to read some of them- immersing myself in God’s word again- fueling my passion. I did it last night before bed. I am reading James. Out of verses 3 blog posts were worked on. 1 already existed (on that post list) and 2 more new ones! And the excitement returned. AND there’s no fear.

Don’t wprry I am not giving up on my Bible study either My friend and I decided that I should focus on the study on the weekends. So Philippians will be in baby steps and let the immersion commence.

Thank you so much for doing me for the week 4 update of my Choosing Courage – 100 day writing project. If you want to check out the rest of the posts here

Book Review:Stories Behind the Great Traditions of Christmas by Ace Collins


All about Traditions of  Christmas

What Christmas Traditions are your favorite?  Have you ever wondered where on earth we get the traditions we use when we celebrate Christmas?  You know, things like Christmas Cards. Advent, and Christmas trees just to name a few.  Well, Ace takes us back in time to the times and places that these traditions became an indelible mark on our holiday celebrations.  26 chapters you will learn about the history and heart behind each of these traditions!.  Ace definitely did a lot of in-depth research that left us with some very interesting facts.  The chapters are short and could easily be read each night leading up to Christmas.

Some of the interesting facts learned in reading this book :

  • Many of our Christmas traditions were started or carried on through the Vikings.   Especially since the Vikings had the reputation of being a brutal people group. But after the Vikings became Christians it became very important that they made remembrances of their faith.
  • Christmas Seals.  They have been talked about and I never knew what they were-Stamp like stickers used on Christmas envelopes and I most certainly had no idea what they were used for.  Well, they were used for raising money in helping people beat the disease Tuberculosis.
  • Boxing Day and Epiphany- As Americans we don’t usually celebrate these but it was fascinating to earn about these traditions and I must confess I have mentioned to my husband that celebrating and teaching on Epiphany would be neat for our family!

My Thoughts-

Well, I enjoyed this book immensely.  Though I didn’t get it finished in my timeline I will say that it really doesn’t matter when you read this book.  I do think it would be cool to read a chapter a night with our family in the days leading up to Christmas.

It’s so amazing just how much of our Christmas traditions are tied back to the Birth of Baby Jesus too.  It’s a great teaching tool for kids, and it’s easy to understand.  And it would also be very simple to turn into a teaching tool for even younger kids!  ANYONE can enjoy this book.  It is a delight to read for sure.

I also appreciated the few times throughout this book when the author admitted that he just didn’t have the answers to when exactly a tradition started.  Sometimes details like a specific person, place or time are not available and I thought it was neat that he admitted to not knowing.

I honestly cannot wait till next Christmas season when we will delve into this book as a family!

I give this book 5 Christmas lights! Check out this book on Amazon. 

And a super Big THANK YOU to BookLook Bloggers for giving me a free copy of this book to review!  I always give my honest review and am expected to do so!


Thankfulness Challenge- My Pastor Husband Pastor’s Appreciation Motnth


The  missed oppertunity

I have been re-reading some past blog posts, and do you know what I realized?  I don’t blog very much about my husband!!  That’s mostly because I respect his desire to not be put into the spotlight  and it’s not that I am choosing to disrespect his wishes today BUT there are some days that you have to give credit where credit is due.

I was doing some prep work for a blog post for later today and I was overcome by the amazingness of my husband.  The things not everyone gets to see . The things this man does and I get to support him in. The things I am sometimes  guilty of taking for granted.

His Many Hats

He wears many hats and God has gifted him the ability to do them well.  He and I have been married for almost 15 years.  We have 4 kids ages 12,11,alomst 10, and 7.  One has Autism and another has a learning disability known as Central Auditory Processing Disorder.  This is a huge part of his life but the other huge part is his calling to be pastor.   We have been at our current church for almost 9 years.  I have watched him spend countless hours ministering to people in some very unconventional ways.  He has the unique ability to meet people where they are, work side by side with them and create a relationship with them.  My husband is so dedicated to his call that he is constantly seeking to grow in it,  to learn and grow deeper his relationship with Christ.  I have watched him pour countless hours into people, to shed tears on their behalf and still treat them with the love of Jesus when he is hurt by them.    He is a real leader who can lead without an iron fist or micromanage the people he is leading.  He also takes time to to fix broken things at church. He runs errands for church.  he runs errands for home and as I looked at the calendar page for October I noticed there were things missing from his weekly activities

  • Phone call
  • emails
  • texts
  • visits
  • people in crisis
  • emergencies
  • last minute meetings
  • Prep for sermons
  • prep for 2 Bible studies  a week

And this doesn’t even begin to cover family things like convent care trips and the like.

He as a person

Though he will tell you otherwise he is intelligent and skilled in communicating the word of God.  I have watched him painstakingly pour over God’s word sometimes changing his sermon multiple times to be sure to bring God’s truth, even if it stings deep within his own soul.  and with that goes transparency of his heart sharing both from the pulpit and in private his struggles.  He does not view himself as higher or better than another.  He has strove to continue to grow in his education, that enables him to sharpen and fine tune his skills.

One of the greatest things about this man that I count as a blessing from God is his desire to do whatever it is he has set his hand to, and to do it well.  Many people don’t get a chance to see this, but I count it a privilege to get a front row seat.   To the countless hours counseling in person at our table, on the phone and via text message (yes that really can happen). I get to watch him wear himself thin as he goes from one meeting to the next, ones where he spends hours, days and weeks praying for and pouring over.  I count it a privilege to  Get to be the one who shares in his greatest joys and his deepest sorrows.  I have watched him help others try to pick up shattered pieces of great disappointments.

People are important to Him

He makes time for everyone though that is rarely seen .  It is done  in secret to protect those who are hurting.  He holds so much  between him and God even I do not know all that he has been told.  He drops his plans, and desires to run to the aid of another.  He changes  his work schedule to meet others needs and has done so, most jobs would have fired him.  And this is why  some days our grass is not mowed or the garbage has not been taken to the transfer station.  He views our cars and home as not our own but those things belong to God, things to be used for His service. They are just on loan to us to be used for God’s work.

Care for our family

Most people don’t realize that he is the sole driver of our family.  Something he committed to nearly 16 years ago when he asked me to marry him.  He knew it was highly unlikely that I would never be able to see well enough to drive.  So sermons are prepared as I take care of kids appointments, emails are sent and visits are made in-between  all the craziness.  He is an amazing multi-taskr.  he uses every spare moment he can.

A week  ago I posted this picture of something that is rare.

pastor husband

We had already

  • y picked up kids at 11:45
  • ate lunch
  • took headache medicine to the other child at school
  • gone to two parent teacher conferences
  • worked
  • sermon prep

The poor guy had a migraine.  And had about a half an hour before we had to eat dinner and leave for Awana.  When I posted the picture to social media it was about the cat.  She doesn’t snuggle with just anyone.  She likes him a lotAnd there were very supportive comments on social media.  BUT comments came outside of social media that were not so kind. And that is sad.  For a  man who rarely if ever takes time for himself, who pours so much of himself into others.  Who seeks to build community and build others up.  Who gives everything he has and then some. Who bends over backwards for anyone who asks his help.

I am truly sorry I posted it….for the flack he has taken.

So Grateful

  1. So for all of this I want to take the time to thank God for all that he does both the seen and the unseen.  The 80+ hours per week for church the 10-20 hours a week for his other job and the countless hours for our family.  His ministry is so far deeper than most can imagine, even within the community.
  2. I am grateful that he loves us and takes care of us.  Enough to step up and provide in different ways.  that he makes sure we always have working vehicles. that he makes sure that we are cared for.
  3. I am thankful that I get to watch.  I get a front row seat to his ministry, our ministry together.This also means that sometimes the seats up close see the messy things too.  Those moments when people are so wrapped up in themselves to see what is really going on.   Im so grateful he includes me.  so many pastors and wives live two separate lives. I saw it while we were in seminary. Couples who did their own things, separately.  When I am leading Bible study, he is watching the ladies kids.  He helps  with the RGT conference.  He has mentored young men alongside me at the Pregnancy center, reaching deep into the messiness of our community.
  4. I am so grateful to get to watch him grow into the man God always knew he would be.   It’s huge blessing to see him step out and try new things to gain boldness.
  5. To watch him give his whole life to Jesus in service.  That he holds nothing back. To sacrifice.

To My Pastor

In Short during this month dedicated to showing appreciation to  our pastors.  I want to say a great BIG thank you.

Thank you for being a selfless example of what a godly man should be, not only for our own children but to the kids who know and love you!

Thank you for reaching me every Sunday , and every other day what the Bible teaches.  I love sitting under your teaching and I learn so much.

Thank you  for teaching me how to show love and grace through the good, the bad and the ugly.

AND THANK YOU for asking me to be apart of this journey with you 15 years ago.  Thank you for seeing me as God does, as a women with potential NOT just as I am a broken imperfect person.

I will gladly serve with you another 15 years and until God sees fit to call us  Home!

Book Review : The Turquoise Table by Kristin Schell

TurquoiseFirst things first, ARE YOU A FRONT YARD PERSON? That is the question you will need to answer as you read Kristin Schell’s book The Turquoise Table.  In the Turquoise Table Kristin takes us on her journey to build community in her Texas town.  She chronicles he ups and downs  of being front yard people  as they began doing every day tasks at the turquoise table.  She gives practical advice on how to stock a simple basket to grab and go as you go to sit at the turquoise table , like crayons, coloring books, a can of mixed nuts, plastic cups and a water pitcher.  BUT Kristin ALSO includes family tested recipes at the end of each chapter !!  The chapters are short and sweet.  They get right to the point and there are many testimonials of others as they have embarked on their turquoise table journeys.  It was an easy and encouraging read that really makes the reader feel as though you can accomplish what is a seemingly scary risk, but with ease Kirstin melts away fears and doubts!

I  had heard about the turquoise table movement through blogging friends over the last few years but I had not been to Kristin’s Blog   or read anything official concerning the concept.  And even though I had never read anything by her I had decided that my carpenter hubby was going to make some picnic tables for our outdoor space, I new one of them would bee painted TURQUOISE!!!!

When I saw I had the option to review Kristin’s Book I knew I just had to and it did NOT disappoint.  I couldn’t stop reading!!!  Each chapter addressed different ares the Turquoise table touched in her life…even the table wearing out…WHILE SHE SAT ON IT!!!   Did I mention she was on camera as it happened?  SOOOO FUNNY!  The turquoise table has changed her, her family, her community, TEXAS and many around the world…no I am NOT kidding!!!   Being a front yard person may not be my personality type, BUT Im certainly going to give it a whirl!!!

This is definitely 5 star rating plus some!

Thanks BookLook Bloogers for giving me a free copy of this book to review and not expecting anything in return!