Thankfulness Challenge : Summer Edition


Hey everyone welcome to the new season of the THANKFULNESS CHALLENGE! I have been falling behind on the thankfulness challenge and as I have been praying and working I have come to the realization that the attitude of gratitude has fallen to the wayside and I am seeking to put this back into practice and I am seeking to refocus. so this is one way I am doing that.

The other way I am seeking to do that is by using the gratitude pages included in the LOVE THE WORD BIBLE STUDY BINDER giveaway I am hosting on this blog post..

Let’s be Honest….

Sometimes thankfulness falls to the wayside as busyness and other life concerns get in the way. AN sometimes we need to take a few moments and be grateful for all the small amazing blessings that are sprinkled throughout our days like glitter.

The Goal

The goal os for me to snap pictures of little things that bring joy (my word for the year) to my everyday life. Things that I pass by. Things that I take for granted. I want to slow down and see each of those things as they are …..BLESSINGS. Will you join me?



This beauty is one of many circling our little heart shaped frog pond. That little gem was a hidden surprise. We owned our house for about a month before we discovered the frog pond was just off the main yard. So many fun and amazing things happen around that frog pond. It is full of my first love in the animal department ….FROGS!

A Great View


Some days I forget to open the windows so I can take in the view from ALL of our back windows. And sometimes I forget to take walks around the backyard so I can soak in the painting that changes every couple of hours.


I have always loved clouds. From my early childhood laying in the grass deciding what each cloud formation looked like. This one in particular looks like a squid. I love checking out all of the unique cloud formations. Even now as I sit out n the front patio with book in hand I can find myself getting lost in the clouds.

Planting things

One upon a time we had a big garden. Gardening wasn’t y thing. I just didn’t have the time with all of our involvement in church and other various ministries. that’s who I was and I am not really a gardener. and that is ok. I do however really enjoying planting things and watching them grow and then using them in my food that I took. so this year I planted this little herb garden. It sits right out my from door and I can just take a few steps from my kitchen and grab some fresh herbs to add to my meals I prepare for my family.

The Picture I never took.

Earlier this week I was at church while a meeting was being held there. I was bustling about. I was helping hubby with something and I was helping other people with other things. I was doing LOTS of things. And one thing I can say about our church is if you are there at sunset time you are in for a real treat. I don’t know why but it always has an amazing view of every sunset.

I remember at one point coming out of hubby’s office walking down the hall to the Welcome area and catching a glimpse of this AMAZING sunset. It was one of the deepest plum purple sky gradually changing to a rainbow of colors as you move closer to the horizon. I remember thinking oh in a few minutes I will run and grab my phone BUT I forgot. Before long I was sitting at my hubby’s desk typing away and I glanced over to the window and it was hard to believe but it was an even deeper purple. I have never seen anything quite like it. I turned back to my sentence I would take the picture as. Soon. As. I. Typed. That. Last. Sentence. I sat back in my chair wrapped my phone and turned to the window……and it was dark!

And just like that it was gone….a fleeting moment. and I could have take a picture and kept it longer Now it’s just a faint memory. And this moment got me thinking ….how many other little moments have a missed?


Life changed for everyone ! Most of our lives came to a screeching halt…..Some lives got busier and more stressful BUT everyone’s life was different. And every part looked different. We took the menial taks in life for granted. One of the things hubby and I have decided is that our lives were not going back to the way things were. we have learned to say no. And we have learned to say yes more to our kids.

We have made some really great memories and soaked up some amazing family time. We have conversations, and family meetings and generally the house os full of laughter…GENERALLY. The reason for this I believe is that we made a choice at the beginning of all of this not to miss the little things….this unique opportunity. How quickly I have forgotten as things are slowly coming back to normal. s

So I am taking the lesson from that miss picture and I am striving to make this a serious practice to see the little things. the amazing things God gives us to make our lives just a little sweeter. The simple things that bring a smile to our face without us even realizing it.

Will You Join me?

Not a blogger don’t worry. You can post your pics on Facebook or on Instagram and take me in them

The bLog facebook page is Here

And the Instagram handle us @walkingbyfaithmary

I want to challenge you to really take a hard look at all the little things that God uses to bring a smile you your face. Let me know in the comments what some of those things are.

Blessings Mary