Happy Homemaker Monday….On Tuesday?

Happy_Homemaker_MondayHi everyone!!!!   I know this is a day late but we have been on vcation and we still are just for a few short days more (SIGH)   It has been good but I must confess that it too has been hard.  Hard in  coming face to face with God in some hard heart moments.   When you vacation at a Bible conference you find yourself having multiple daily meeting with God.   And so it goes that those moments if you really have your heart open and ready (and even in some moments when your heart is closed tighter than a clam…those moments hurt a whole lot more!)  God meets you RIGHT where you are….usually in some sort of mess!   I have a big mess…..a mess that has been hard for nearly 10 months. and I PROMISE I will write more on that mess soon, but in the meantime….Im going to do YETERDAYS post Late so hang in there!

The weather in my neck of the woods: Both today and yesterday SUNNY and Warm…..OH so LOVELY!
Things that make me happy: swimming, hearing my kids giggle and laugh, camping at our favorite place in the world
Menu for this week: we tend to go off the fly during camping, we buy stapl ingredients and then whatever floats our boat we go with
What’s on my TV today:  what’s in The Bible with Buck Denver…Ive been trying to decide what DVD I’m going to be giving away…..(HINT watch next week for said giveaway)
Looking around the house:haha…i can’t see my house from here, however when  I leave my lovely writing spot, I will see our camper. and with 6 people it gets a little cramped AND cluttered
On my To Do List: relax, hang out with my family and grow closer to Jesus….That is it people and ITS AMAZING!
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:NONE
In the craft basket: not a thing!
Looking forward to this week: nothing really just peacefulness
Tips and Tricks: just be….that is it, be present , be loving and BE AWARE
My favorite blog post this week: absolutely nothing, I haven’t seen any blogs this week
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):same as above
No words needed (favorite photo or picture):IMG_20150707_130514_035My writing spot at camp!  it’s a beautiful porch with lounge chairs….so peaceful and relaxing!
Lesson learned the past few days: Trials you can either EMBRACE it, ESCAPE it and ENLIST it (Warren Wiersbe)  God and I are having an ongoing conversation on what it looks like for me to enlist a certain trial
On my mind: a friend who had surgery this morning, my kids and my hubby, our church and  SOMEONE WHO IS IN DESPERATE NEED OF JESUS
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses: Genesis 34 and the account of Dinah.  I have some serious observations……that will come later but in the meantime I also have questions I need to answer first!   But my Bible reading was Gen 34-38and Psalm 21-23 and Chpter 3 of Anything By Jennie Allen

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