Hubby to the Rescue

So i told you in my last post that we have been at camp…a Bible Conference where our camper now calls home.   This specific Bible Conference has earned a nickname  based on its real name and the end is changed to SOGGY…..that has defined MOST of our vacation…..S-O-G-G-Y, and today spawned some UNEXPECTED  torrential downpours and thunderstorms.   It has been extremely warm, so we went to the pool, which was wonderful, but then Rose and I went to the shower house.  On the way I noted some VERY ominous looking  clouds.  As Rose finished her shower it started to rain, first a few little drops, which got a little harder and a little harder and then WHAM!  and a few minutes later BLACKNESS. yep NO power at all.  Rose and I prayed that God would lighten the rain so we could walk back to the camper but 2 minutes later the familiar rumble of the diesel engine of my knight and shining armor’s Thundering stallion  echoed off the  shower house walls and my heart lept.  sure enough….this pulled up next to the shower house



and what a lesson in love to our daughter……and to our sons.  They rode along with daddy to “RESCUE” mommy and sister in the pouring rain, and thunder and lightening AND the darkness.  they could have stayed in the nice dry camper and just waited for us.   but instead they braved the elements and came to our rescue.  such a simple statement, such a little thing….maybe to you on the outside looking in, but its all those little gestures that turn into HUGE statements of love AND care! Thank you LOVE!

and as I look back over my life I think about all the “little” rescues And the not so little rescues our Heavenly Father has done for us.  it’s not just chance.  All of the basketball teams bags out of a burning van? not chance…..NO ONE saw ANYONE get them out.   A sudden unanimous vote to stop less than a half an hour into  a trip back home-then the van bursts into flames?  NOT a coincidence.  two pastor friends moving half way across the state, to two different churches, to live 30 minutes away from each other and one of the pastors goes through something horrible and the other is there to help pick up the pieces, …….the right amount of money showing up at the right time to finish off a college payment so no loan will be needed, a deer strategically standing in the middle of the road, she never moves as you apply your brakes and slow up as you crest the hill. at the bottom of the hill is black ice and your vehicle fishtails…had you not slowed down for the deer the fishtail could have turned devastating…on Christmas eve.10 minutes from your destination.

God loves us so much ad i often wonder how much we don’t see.  The things listed about have all happened to me. NONE of them are coincidence…NOT. A. ONE.    There are so many areas in which we think nothing of and yet, when the big stuff happens it surprises us.  WHY? Why do we think its unusual for God to show up in miraculous ways, to love us in BIG ways?

Are there ways in which God has shown up in your life…..In Big or little ways?   (HINT the little ways are really HUGE when you start adding them all up!)   Share them in the comments!