I’m Supposed to trust them…

…with my children’s lives BUT I have had enough! I’m talking about about my children’s doctor!

I really appreciated them at first but that was until a few things happened.

The first incident was with the P.A. who after my daughter had been sick and vomiting for two weeks and was now screaming in agony told her to “stop wasting her time”. Lady bug was and still is very shy and wouldn’t let her look in her mouth!

The second occurance came when I was with our youngest who was having weight gain issues. My hubby had taken little bean many times for appointments but on one specific occasion I took him. While I was there the doctor insinuated that I did not feed my child. I described in length that he ate like a horse: 30 ounces of formula a day three full bowls of cereal plus fruits and veggies. What he failed to listen to was that Little Bean promptly puked up every ounce of formula I put into his body! We saw specialists and dietitians, we tried everything. Finally the gastro doc listened! It was the formula! Yet in the process they taked about cystic fibrosis, and blamed me for abusing my child!

And we come to today! I never in my life have been so frustrated. For the last three weeks have watched sweat bead up on Little Bean’s forehead, face, and his entire body. With no fever! He has been fighting a cold and it gets worse! The temps have been high but last night was different! It was freezing in our house and every one was huddled under blankets. Little Bean was in a diaper, however, and he wouldn’t hear of having a blanket and was covered in sweat with no fever. So this morning I called the doctors office. All I did was pose the question as to what could be causing this and what could we do about it? The receptionist said “you know hes going to want to see him”. I said “ok” and hung up. I checked our schedule and then called back and said today would be best if possible. I have a major project that needs to be done on Saturday for a parade and today was rainy! No biggie right? Well, when I get to the doctor’s office the doctor comes in and says. “Well i hear you have quite the story to tell”

I to say the least was flustered and the appointment went poorly. There was no story to tell. All it was was a question, blown out of proportion. A simple response via the phone would have been fine, but I followed what the receptionist said! Won’t do that again!