I’m back! ……the last two weeks in a nutshell!

Hi, everyone.  I took an unplanned mini vacation from blogging…..and pretty much everything else!   Three weeks ago I smashed end the face of my iPad (unintentionally of course!).  My dear hubby smuggled it out of the house and took it to the kiosk in the mall to have the glass replaced.  Three days later I had it back.  But because the case was bent the glass didn’t fit properly,  AND what we didn’t know was that having the face replaced could (and in my case did) affect in the internal antenna!  Which meant that I could only get internet reception on the couch and in one other weird spot in our house!  We’ll that wasn’t going to work….I can’t very well blog without internet!   So a local retailer was having a special deal that if your iPad could power on and had no scratches in the face then they would trade it in for $200 at the least.   Why yes mine qualified! Woohoo.  So refurbished iPad a week later……so I got the iPad in the mail, and then I got sick!

So in betweenn the no iPad, we celebrated hubby’s grandparent’s 70th wedding anniversary and what a blessing that was but more on that in a later blog post!  And then there was our bi-annual planning meeting….then enter sickness!

Isck!   I could barely stand to move, let alone look at a screen that moves.

I am slowly getting better, but I have had to re-set up the iPad, just how I had my old one with passwords, apps and so on.  It just takes time.

This week has had a trip for a second EEG for weasel after he had a Pet. Mal seizure at school earlier this school year.  Then a dentist appointment (which I did liken to wanting to go to the dentist,like I wanted to hug a provoked porcupine)…..and did I mention I am hosting Thanksgiving next week!  Whew!   Then starts in a host of meetings for weasel, including his 8 hr. Evaluation!   

So that in a nutshell has been my last 3 weeks!   So please be patient with me as we work around crazy schedules and so on!

Have a great night!