Book Review: Prized by Noelle Toscano

There are those amazing moments in life when friends reach out to you to do the a favor and it is oh so flattering! Noelle and I have been friends since Bible College. Here is something I don’t admit to often…we were on the cheerleading squad together….yep I finally aired that dirty little secret!

Ok are you done laughing now…no…I will give you a minute longer……

Ok I’m declaring the laugh fest over! This book is meant for teen girls. It takes you on a journey to find purpose in this crazy emotional time that each one of us girls must face growing up. Noelle vividly depicts the struggles and the joys of being a teen. How do I know I see it every week in my teen Sunday School class and our youth group. The struggles are the same, the relationships are the same, and the choices are the same. Noelle is able to take her life experiences and communicates them in a clear understanding way. This study does not lack for scripture references and does NOT play hermeneutical gymnastics with the texts!

This book is incredibly solid and poitedly written to show Biblical truths are still relevant today. Matter fact as i read this book, i was impacted by the heart of Noelle as she shared a specific story talking about an unsaved friend. It brings joy to me to see God using the trials Noelle faced in college in such an amazing way. Noelle and I really became friends during that time mentioned in Chapter 7 Forgiven Girl.

I think that in all of the book reviews I have ever done, this one book has the ability to change the most lives. Her candid approach to sensitive topics astounds me! I give this book 6 stars out of 5. And most of all I cannot wait to use this book with the teen girls at our church!

Disclaimer: i in no way shape or form am obligated to give a positive review of this book nor did I receive any compensation for either reviewing the book or giving a positive review. I received a complimentary copy for reviewing via the author.

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