Blogging Cliques…Where Do I Fit?

Are there blogging cliques? Where do you fit?

Anytime you have a large group of people (especially women) you get cliques.

Here are just a few example as that I have found.
1. Professional bloggers…..these people make blogging their job. There blog has tons of ads and/or they have something to sell or market.. It’s very hard to make connections with these people if you don’t know them in real life. They have gobs of comments on every post and you feel lost in the shuffle.

They also tend to not pay attention if your blog doesn’t look like theirs.

2. Ranters and Ravers! These people seem to always be unhappy about somebody or something. Rarely are they positive…ABOUT ANYTHING!

3. Mom bloggers…..they blog about all things kids. I have some pretty neat mom blogger friends. Warning though…some mom bloggers may border on the trivial…like poop, puke, all the cute things their one month old did and so on.

4. Famous people- for some reason they think just because they are famous they should write…….or have someone front as them…..they almost never respond to commenters.

5. Ministry/Faith based blogs- this is where I fit in the most. I want to encourage my readers, challenge them to grow and walk with God. One day it might be a family thing the next how God is working in me but I *try* to always have a faith thread through whatever I write! And that seems to be what most of the writers in this category does!

Now there are a bazillion and a half other cliques but these are the ones I have witnessed first hand over the last 7 years!

And I most certainly am not stereotyping every celeb blogger or every mom blogger or every faith based blogger! These are just some of my experiences!