Balancing Blogging

I get asked all the time….HOW DO YOU DO IT?


Time with God


Ministry 4 kids 8 and under….that doesn’t  sound nearly as bad as four kids five and under!  Yep that was me, not all that long ago.

2 dogs

Crafty things



And the list goes on and on and on!

I have gotten a lot of criticism over all I juggle….and sometimes I drop one of those balls.  This past year it was definitely the blogging ball that got dropped!  But this year, I have found new resolve!   So. I have planned most weeks to blog four days a week and writing 2-3 blog posts each of those days.  That’s hard work, but I. Love. It!

This pasy year, I struggled so much in balancing everything I had to do, and routine? Ha! It was such a trial!

But as I headed into this New Year, I wanted  to revamp how I looked at my goals and life in general!

And a big part of that for me is Purpose! Why I do what I do!

So since blogging is fun for me (and writing in general) I need to make sure all the other not-so-fun stuff is done first!

You know like

Cleaning toilets

Washing widows




Yeah Those not-so-fun things!  But when those are done I reward myself with time to write (usually after the kids are in bed!) 

BUT over the last few weeks I have become even more creative in taking advantage of waiting times.  Most people might  dwell on the fact that they can’t drive….most of the time not me!   There are quite a few pluses, but one of them that is a huge blessing to me is sometimes a large amount of wait time.  

A great example was this past Thursday. I had a dentist appointment, my hubby had to drop me off early, so I had 40 minutes before my appointment and then another hour afterwards.  In that time I whipped off 5 blog posts!  And this morning I wrote half a blog post in the five minutes my hubby had to run into the bank to pay our mortgage!.

If I have no pending writing I will read!   I think one of the biggest things that has helped me to use my time in this way is my tablet.  We got it a couple of years ago when I was struggling with massive migraines due to having to get too close to the screen because of my visual impairment.  Most of my currently reading list is contained to my tablet, along with notepad/blogging app so if I don’t have a wi-fi connection it still saves all my work until I do!  

So when it comes right down  to it, it really depends on what works best for you.  I have found what works best for me.  Yep, I have had to be creative but it is TOTALLY worth it!  Hopefully I haved spur your thoughts!