Defeating the Princess Mentality

Everywhere I look there is nothing but princess stuff.It’s communicated to every little girl who has “good parnts” that she is their little princess.


Here’s my problem.  Not every little girl is a princess.   Princesses have to act refined.  They have to be Royalty.  They have to hvae a Bloodline that proves they area princess.  Not any girl can be a princess.


She becomes a part of a family through say Like Adoption..  Matter of FactI have been adopted into such a family.  I am a princess.  My husband has also been adopted into the dame family and  he is a prince.

Have you been adopted?

There s ONLY one way my daughter can be a princess …and it is NOT because of me or my husband..
It’s because of Jesus Christ.  He’s the Kingand if my children accpet Christ as their Savior they are adopted into the Christian Family.  They become Christ followers!  They ARE royalty.  Thankfully Tornado and Lady Bug ave both moved into those roles and now we as parents have the task of teaching our children how to act the Christ following prince and princess..

As we teach our children these things I can tell you what a Christ following Prince and Princess is not

DO NOT have the entitlement mentality. 
DO NOT deserve the best of everything
are NOT spoiled
do NOT think the world revolves around them
do NOT think they are better than anyone else..
.DO NOT think they know everything
Are  NOT given everything they desire

The list could go on and on. And it is a VERY daunting task BUt none the less it is the task I am called do.  Sometimes a take a step back and scratch my head…okay so that happens more often than Not BUT I have made a committment to Both God and my children.

I will do my absolute best to defeat this  world’s princess mentality and raise children who are true Christ followers!

Oh and By the way.  I am not against all those princesses.  I am just not happy with the way the world has promoted what a princess is!