Happy Homemaker Monday-9/27/10

he weather in my neck of the woods:

RAINY and cool

Things that make me happy:
getting something accomplished…Having 4 kids 5 and under some days makes it feel as though I have been working all day and whjen I stand back and look around me my house still feels like a war zone!

Book I’m reading:
Screwtape Letter By C.S. Lewis
The Bible
He Began with Eve

What I’m enjoying on TV:
I am going to be reviewing the movie
“the Least among them”

 On the menu for dinner:
HMMM I haven’t really decided yet!

On my To Do List:
Finish putting stuff away in our bedroom
Craft room

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
Soup in bread bowmls and tonight might just be the night

In the craft basket:
Thank you cards
Treasure cans for the kids

Looking forward to this week:
Thursday night!! Everyone but me and little bean will be out of the house

Tips and Tricks:
Any container can be recycled to be something useful if you are a crafter!!!

My favorite blog post this week:

This week has been a very tough week…i haven’t read very many blogs at all

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):

it’s  all i can do to keep up with the ones on my sidebar…maybe as i settle into the new school routine!

No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to shares
 house sale pictures 091.JPG

Lesson learned the past few days:
The ability makes life a lot easier to handle…Rolling with the punches makes life more enjoyable when something major has to change!

On my mind:
aa set of twins born this last week where one of the babies was not supposed to make it..She survived though she does have spina bifita

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Ephesian 4 32
And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one
another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you

Since the kids and I could not go to church yesterday we had our own Sunday school time.  We learned that Jesus loves the little children…and we learned how to love each other!