Choosing Courage -Day 5


Good evening everyone- tonights post as you can see is going to be about courage and being courageous and after yesterday’s and today’s reading I think I have settled on a series title. (Let’s be honest it can’t be Hello Fears forever, because that is already taken ;). ). Today’s reading check-in is based on pages 26-56. It finishes chapter 1 and chapter 2 in it’s entirety.


Let’s Jump in

So one of the neatest things I learned this chapter was the difference between being fearless and being brave or having courage,

FEARLESS- lacking fear

Brave- showing courage

Michelle talks about how it is important for us not to be fearless but to face our fears with courage. Our hearts may race, our palms may sweat but we can still choose courage and face our fears head on!

“Being brave is when, despite the fear, we have the courage to take action, and that is way more powerful and inspiring than being fearless.


Assignment #1

After those insights Michelle challenges us to list out our areas of fear, fearlessness and bravery.

So here’s mine:


  • what people think
  • writing truth and offending people
  • being transparent and authentic
  • being criticized
  • losing friends over my writing

FEARLESS. The truth of the matter is I don’t feel like I am fearless in anything..


  • raising kids ( This sone of the biggest fear inducing experiences of my life time)
  • At 19 I boarded my first plane and flew half way around the world and had some of the greatest adventures I have ever experienced. Outside of raising our kids. I ate things that I never thought I could. Made friends with people I never thought I could. and just the act of getting on the airplane was one of the scariest things I have ever done.. I was told many times during that time that I was very brave
  • Serving God- I have found myself in some pretty scary moments. Inner city kids ministry on the worst street in the city. , street witnessing in NYC. Being shown a gun while doing so. Talking with a mentally ill man on the streets. Loving kids who other people run away from. every time I directed a Christmas play. Riding in a parade. Writing here on my blog.
  • Taking next steps in life- I wish I could explain more of this right now but I can’t. but stay tuned it will be coming. (No this isn’t about our next church).

The bravery part was really hard mostly because I don’t feel brave. and then I remembered a favorite verse

Joshua 1:9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

God doesn’t want us to have a spirit of fear but to be strong and courageous and trust him.

Be an Influencer

The section on being an influencer struck a chord with me because I have only been teaching it both here and in our church for how long? I vary slightly on the idea f influence than Michelle. We (EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US) is an influencer Whether we like it or not. the things we say or do influence those around us, whether it is a good influence or a bad influence. AND as believers we are called (each and everyone offs) is called tube godly influence to those around us- both believers nd unbelievers.


Michelle talks about how we tend to elevate “fearless leaders”. but they have a tendency to be reckless. Brave leadership on the other hand counts the risks and steps out bravely . I know I would much rather be and have a brave leader over a fearless one.

Assignment #2

This isn’t an ongoing assignment. We are to keep track of all of our small and not so small acts of courage We are to keep track while reading to the book.

So as of today I have five “posted” blog posts. Five shares on Facebook and Five shares on Instagram. I won’t be posting all of my little acts of courage over the next 95 days.

So how about you? What are some of your fears? And what are you moments of bravery?

For more Choosing Courageous posts and Hello Fear Posts click here

And Check out Michelle Poler’s book Hello Fears click here