Hearts At Home – January’s Third Thursday Blog Hop

Wow that was a mouth full.

Well this month’s blog hop topic is for us to share some tips in how we keep ourselves organized in the new year. I kind of already posted on that and how in our family we set goals for ourselves instead of resolutions. You can check out those posts both HERE and HERE!

BUT I have another tip that also helps a great deal and I have FINALLY finished it. I am happy with it at the beginning of each year BUT sometime in the middle of the year I am sure I will find another chart to “help” keep me organized!

The artwork is mine and this year I added Tabs…I was getting so much stuff it was hard to remember where it all was!

These are the charts that I use everyday for all the little stuff.

This is the section that has my yearly charts.

And this has my bible reading charts.

This is my daily chart (sorry for the poor photo I had to sacrifice the glare instead of having poor lighting)

This is our daily schedules which is NOT in a tab BUT before the first one.

Double sided menu chart…I plan two weeks meals at a time.

This is my master list of chores broken down by everyday, every weelk, every month, seasonally and yearly

Food Journal.

Master grocery list.

A cleaning calendar and a declutter calendar.

A sample of a Bible reading chart.

And the machine responxible for the punching and binding it all togeter.

Basically this along with my Kindle is my life in a nutshell. I can’t survive otherwise!