Hello Friends and Happy June! Lonf time no see! Its been a whirlwind of a couple of months. We have moved (Kinda). We had to put our furry friend Rosie down. I have severly injured my ankle and a host of other craziness. Over the next few month we will also be blogging our journey of transforming a barn into a house!
So far it’s been quite the adventure! A very good adventure. We are enjoyig the whole process. . It is challenging at times but for the most part we are having fun!
So let’s Jump into the firt June Happy Homemaker Monday
♥♥ The Weather ♥♥
Monday – 80 and sunny
Tuesday – 72 and rain Wednesday – 74 and rain
Thursday – 71 and mostly sunny
Friday -73 and mostly sunny
Saturday – 71 and ra
Sunday -in 72 and rain
♥♥ As I look outside my window ♥♥
beautiful warm sunny day with kiddos playing hockey in the church parking lot
♥♥ Right now I am ♥♥
sitting in my hubby’s office typing away. It’s been an absolutely nutty past week (more on that on Thursday)
♥♥ Thinking and pondering ♥♥
The purpose of this last week. It has been stretching and exhausting in so many ways. Most of the time in a negative way.
♥♥ How am I feeling ♥♥
Good but exhausted
♥♥ On the breakfast plate ♥♥
egg whites.
♥♥ On my reading pile ♥♥
- I have some counseling books to finish
- Hello Fears
- the book of Romans
♥♥ On my TV this week ♥♥
♥♥ On the menu ♥♥
Monday – Beef Stroganoff Tuesday- Sloppy Joes and baked Poatoes Wednesday Soup
Thursday – Taco Salad
Friday -Mashed Poato Sudaes
Saturday -Grilled Chicken and Rice
Sunday – Pasta and Salad
♥♥ Looking around the house ♥♥
Ahem…Camper…A few dishes to be done. I still need to work on my closet and the kitchen table
♥♥ To-Do List ♥♥–
Packing, though we are running low on boxes
♥♥ From the camera ♥♥

♥♥ Devotional ♥♥

Thanks so much for joining me today! For more Happy Homemaker Monday Posts Check Out Diary of a Stay at Home Mom