Making some changes!

Hi all! Well it’s all done; we went to closing on our new house this past Monday!!! We had prepossession of the house and have been living here for a little over a month BUT now it is all official! I am enjoying our new home and I think our kids LOVE it too!

As I have been away from the blogosphere for about a month or so, I have had some time to think. Thinking is good…RIGHT?

I have grown to realize that writing is what God has created me to do. I LOVE it. I have started my first book project though I am not quite sure how long all of this will take me. I will still be doing some fun stuff to be sure and I will be reviewing more books! In the long run it will be better for everyone. I will also be utilizing the “it’s all about the walk” Facebook page more and keeping you up to date on things that are happening in the world around us.

I have joined two new affiliate programs. One is What’s in the Bible with Buck Denver and the other is with Dayspring so stay tuned on both of those because there are great deals coming your way. Along with more reviews for both NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Publishers!

I have become more focused and more driven then ever before in EVERY aspect of my life.

Honestly this last year was rough and to tell you the truth this year has the potential of being the same. As we grow we should share that growth with others and that is why I plan on being more transparent. I will be slimming down on my blog roll it has come to my attention than some of my blogging buddies from a few years ago are no longer doing this SOOOO I will be removing some of that dead weight as well. If you are one of those people and you still want to be on the blogroll comment here ASAP!

One last note: Stay tuned for the Ultimate Blog Party hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom. I will be posting pics of our new home then for my party Post!

In the mean time Be Blessed!