“By faith Sarah…”
That’s what it says in Hebrews 11, otherwise known as the Hall of Faith. However, as I look at Sarah’s life throughout the Old Testament I see Sarah’s struggle with her faith!
She laughed when the Angel of the Lord told Abraham she was going to have a child at 100.
Then when it didn’t happen (in HER timing) she gave her husband her handmaid who immediately got pregnant! In turn, she immediately got bitter about it!
Not to mention the TWO times that they nearly got two other kings in trouble for taking Sarah as their wife because neither she nor her husband trusted God to protect them. They were afraid that since Sarah was SO beautiful that the kings would kill Abraham and take Sarah anyway!
Despite all these BIG struggles of faith, we find Sarah listed in the Hall of Faith!
I see so much of myself in Sarah! I so often let fear be my guide rather than choosing to trust the one who has my absolute best interests in mind. I take matters into my own hands when my timetable isn’t reached and I let bitterness take over when I realize it isn’t EXACTLY what I wanted!
What an amazing reminder to me on my daily walk with Jesus! I can struggle, make mistakes, and still be found faithful. I don’t have to live in a state of depressed regret. I can still be influential in my faith despite all the struggles and falling short.
God can and will use me…IF I LET HIM!
Now It’s Your Turn.
Have you let God use your faith struggles to influence those around you?
Who is someone who has struggled greatly with their faith that has influenced your life for God’s purposes?
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