Women of Faith Friends

Women of Faith Imagine


Wellas Promised here is the second installment of  my Women of Faith Blog posts…remember there will be five in all!!!


So lets talk about friends.  There were  NUMEROUS people at the conference that I knew.  There were people from the Bible College I  attended and graduated  from.   C.M., Mrs. P. (who was my guest))) And H.F…..(Common guys you know i don’t use names ) So bear with me 🙂

I also have  some friends that are with our local christian Radio Station FLN that spans western and central NY and Parts of PA

That would be Terese who is a Morning announcer and Rachelle who is on the morning show.  Terese and I became friends via another friend on FB.  What a blessing her blog has been and you can check it out here Mommy Manna



Then there is Kalyn who blogs at The Feminine intellect.

The funny thing is that she and I were sitting in the same row as I was  and after talking we realized we knew each other and that she and her husband are VERY good friends with My brother-in-lawand his wife. And that we have met before!


And Thirdly I have another Blog friend who i knew would also be attending this conference BUT we didn’t have a picture together.  Her name Is Jen and she blogs at Reflections in the Window.

Go check out these women’s blogs as I am sure you will enjoy reading each one of  them as I do!!!

And Finally the coolest maybe of all is the sense of friendship you get from the speakers at Women of Faith.  Because of their willingness to share sometimes the deepest and darkest of  things it gives as sense of friendship. The stuff they share  encourages you because you may very well have experienced the very same things OR know someone who has.  their willingness to to share their grief and joy and God’s handiwork in their lives  makes you feel as though you are a most trusted friend!  And that right there is what makes  this conference so different from all the others I have attended!

Thank you WOMEN OF FAITH for including little old me into your circle!