Thankful Thursdays-So much to be Thankful for!

Hi all!

This week has been full of realizations that some things just needed to be changed!    Hubby and I have been spending a lot of time talking about what we would like to see  change in our family. And though it has been an absolutely exhausting week, it has been an encouraging week.

Yesterday I got to go to our kids school and watch Tornado’s awards chapel!  As i sat there and realized just how small their school was I was impressed with the fact that I (Really we) got to choose this for our children.   Some of you know that I have had the opportunity to visit  a Communist country when I was a teenager (19).  At that point I never knew what kind of impact that would have on me BUT now that i am in my 30’s I realize that this trip impacts everyday of my life AND it should! I need to make sure that I don’t take certain choices for granted….let’s  see a few of them!

  • to go to church-we all take that for granted at some point or another  in our lives.  But imagine that you are not allowed to and that your life is at risk if you do!
  • how about choosing to home school our kids or send them to Christian school where you get to choose what aspect of faith you want your kids learn.
  • We can use Facebook….LOL  Ironic I know and everyone has their own opinion.  But can you imagine not having COMPLETE access to the internet. (some might think this is good)  BUT the point of communist countries keeping their people from the “information super highway” isn’t to keep them from SIN but to keep them from finding the TRUTH!
  • And that we have some amazing movies out that we can build up our families and churches with…Can you imagine their are palces who have never heard of:

    Fly wheel

    Facing the Giants

    Letters to God

    The End of the Spear

    Amazing Grace



    And the Newest kirk Cameron Film to be released in March of this year


And this isn’t all there are so many other faith based movies out there that are so well done!

Truth of the matter is that we take all of our freedoms and choices for granted.  We  make decisions flippantly and without much discussion with our Father in Heaven.

So for this Thankful Thursday and for every Day here on out I hope to be THANKFUL for my religious freedoms.  We have no idea at what point we may loose them.  Countries all around the world everyday  loose freedoms!  Why do we think we are exempt from this? We need to be thankful everyday!