Thankful Thursday January 20th 2011

Well i know i said two weeks ago i would explatify on the list I has posted about what I am thankful for.  There really are so many more things than Listed back two weeks ago,
But as I reflect on today.  and all of the things tat are going on in the world  both in my small sphere and in this giant world as a whole I am so very grateful for thee two things.


PEACE-I know I said peace and the world around me and I know that doesn’t make a whole lotta sense now does it. BUT  as I think about the organized chaos i live in and the chaotic world we live in where everything seems out of control I rest.  I have peace.  Personal peace. Because i now beyond the shadow of a doubt that God has all got it under control And i have nothing to worry about as long as i obey His word..  I can’t control taxes, I can’t control other peoples actions I can’t control illness and I most certainly cannot control the rotation of the earth….But I do know who does!

A NEW FOUND JOY BEING IN GOD”S WORD DAILY!–  Hubby and I accepted a challenge this year and that was to read the Bible through in 4 months.  that is 12 chapters a day every day for  four months.  it has been a challenge  and ever though I have not been able to “read ” them all I have listened to the sometimes too.  I have what is called a Go Bible and it is a glorified MP3 player with the whole Bible on it.  I love it.  But I will share more about it very soon.  but what i was saying was that as we do the daily reading/listening it gives us this big picture and you begin to see how this all fits together.  What a blessing this has been and if you aren’t in God’s Word every day and want that peace i was just talking about I suggest you dive in and see what lies in store for you!