Thankful Thursday-2/10/2011

Okay so today is the last two of my for things I was Thankful for back a few weeks ago….

#3 was

Have you seen it?  It’s Phil Vischer’s new project along with Focus on the Family.  It’s an amazing Children’s video series .  The goal is to go from Genesis to Revelation is 18 videos and teach all of the theology along side the Bible we love so much!!

Only the first 4 videos are out BUT we will say that there are so many great things about this series.  We own all 4 of the videos so far and it is amazing at the amount of material our kids have retained.  After seeing video #2 two or three time Our 5 year old Tornado could recall what happened in the whole book of Exodus…..and he did it off the cuff at dinner one night …we were FLOORED!
You can find the videos in any of the “normal” places like Amazon or CBD  OR you can go to their website HERE
You can also spend some time watching some clips and getting to know the characters of what’s in the Bible at

I am so grateful for such solid  children’s resources that aren’t flat  lined in all the important ares!!!!

My Hubby
I have the most wonderful hubby in the whole wide world!  you can try to debate me BUT you won’t ever ever win!!!!  You cannot convince me that your husband is sweeter than mine mostly cuz I can’t  experience that!!!!

But as of late hubby and I have been reconnecting despite our busy lifestyle and all the craziness that most people won’t ever experience or understand AND despite all of this he has been more conscientious about our time.!  time is so important for me and that is something he has been working on .  we get so little time together so it means a lot that he has been making it count!  I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!