Simple Woman’s Day book

FOR TODAY (January 5, 2009)… Outside My Window…Dark and cold…I am writing this in the pm! I am thinking…II am tired but it has been a good day! I am thankful for…great friends but out in bloggy land and in real life. I have made some really nice friends in our new church! From the learning rooms…Same and different! Tornado is having a really rough time with this concept! From the kitchen.. leftovers I have to make egg salad for hubby’s lunch tomorrow I am wearing..jeans, sneaks and a gray striped turtle neck and a cream hoodie I am creating..peacefulness in home and spirit but again it’s hard with three small kiddos running around! I am going…no where til Wednesday I am reading..Prayer by Philip Yancey, Defuse by Karol Ladd and Genesis, psalms Provebs and Matthew! I am hoping..for God’s will in this new church and for it to be a YES! All wrapped into one! I am hearing..the hum of the computer and Vug talking up a storm to his brother and sister downstairs! Around the house.I small amount of laundry, straightening our bedroom, declutter Tornado’s drawers he has TOO many clothes,,, and get the Christmas boxes out of my craft room and into the attic! One of my favorite things..reading at night before bed. It’s so relaxing and sets me in the right mindset for the next morning A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week…Send Christmas cards HMM yes they have NOT been sent yet!VACUUM! A picture thought I’m sharing with you…