What’s in The Bible With Buck Denver

Phil Vischer

Do you know the name?  If you have had a  preschooler in the last20 years you should (Oh BOY  do I feel Old)  He is the creator of VEGGIE TALES!  For a long time i loved Veggie Tales But have you noticed that it has changed…and in my opinion NOT for the better!   I believe that this has to do with Phil Vischer no longer working on Veggie Tales  there has hardly been a  reference to God and there has been no Bible stories since Gideon!  Well except for the Christmas story “The little Drummer Boy”  Which talks about Jesus’ Birth BUT the little drummer boy is never mentioned in scripture!  So enough of my soap Box and Onto our family’s new favorite go to video series.


So what’s sospecial?

well it is the first series to take a book by book look at the Bible and teach children not only the most popular stories of the Bible but the nitty gritty stuff.  theology, church History and tradition (the tradition is mainly found in the Christmas DVD) and even the BIG words most adult believers don’t know!

How do we know it works and it sinks in…well right after we got the first few DVDs last Christmas Our then 5 1/2 year old had watched the DVD about the book of Exodus twice and while sitting at the dinner table he recounted the whole book beginning to end!  He answered all of our questions!  We were amazed!  And you know what we don’t have to do…..we don’t have to combat with our kids that grape slushies were not apart of the story of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho…and that David was not really bringing a stuffed crust pizza to his brothers when they were fighting Goliath and the Philistines.    in short they are teaching what’s there and no adding to!

Now that being said, the funny stuff is still there!  It’s still full of music (no silly songs*Everything has a purpose.  It’s mostly puppets with some cartoon animation and it is STILL witty!  we own all of the DVDs and will continue to get them until the entire collection is done!  we are so thankful for this set of DVD’s amd the websites that accompany them.  My  bible scholar of a husband is thrilled and was actually giddy with excitement as we watched the video clips on the What’s in the Bible Website!

Are you interested….have you gotten excited about such a tool?  well you can check them out here….


and the kid site with all sorts of games and activities is here


I hope you enjoy  this resource as much as our family does!

Here is one of our favorite clips

Saul and David- What’s in the Bible withBuck Denver