
When I began thinking and praying about what my word for 2022 was going to look like RESTORE was NOT on the list. Actually as I sit here typing I cannot for the life of me remember what was on the original list. YEAH they were THAT memorable lol!

I was praying though the words and none of them felt right at all. Then one day I was scrolling / tapping through my Instagram Stories and my friend Kalyn Brooke was asking her followers what they thought about the word RESTORE. I told her I loved it and asked if I could use it.

Why it struck such a cord


So much of my life is in a restoration phase.

  • We have an offer on a house that needed to be restored.
  • our home needs some restoration
  • my heart needed to be restored not just to where it once was but I want to move beyond that
  • and my prayer binder is littered with prayer requests for some form of restoration or another.

I just knew that was what this year was going to look like . I knew what lay ahead and RESTORATION was it.

AND I wasn’t wrong

The prayer list has grown longer….I have grown more and more aware of just how much my heart and mind need to be restored and renewed.

We are still hunting for a home which will probably have some form of “restoration” required.

Honestly I think that ever moment and every day and every month and every year should be marked by restoration.

As believer’s in Jesus we should be seeking to become more and more like Jesus and sometimes we get stuck wallowing in our pain and agony. We make excuses as to why we remain victims to our circumstances. We declare while beating our chests that we are survivors all the while making our circumstances our identity.

I don’t just want to be a SURVIVOR anymore….just surviving isn’t and option anymore. My goal ist to thrive. I want to be restored. I’m not hiding scars. I just don’t need to make them me. They are a part of me, BUT they don’t define me.

I am living breathing proof that God makes beauty from ashes and that my identity in found in him alone.

My verse for the Year

10 In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.

(1 Peter 5: 10 NLT)

Wow. What a promise!!!

And that firm foundation….I just wrote about that on my Happy Homemaker post on Monday.

You can check it out here

I couldn’t have planned that better!! When I started this blog post I hadn’t made the connection and yet isn’t THAT how God works!

How about what is Your One Word? Are you new to the whole One word for a year? Check out this book that helped me understand the concept My One Word This is not an affiliate link

Let me know what your word for the year is in the comments below! I can’t wait to share the growth and progress throughout the year with you!