Treasures of Encouragement-My Walk Monday

Have you been encouraged by someone lately>  Or better yet Have YOU ENCOURAGED SOMEONE lately?

In our ladies Sunday school Class we have been going through the Practical Study set forth in the book Treasures of Encouragement by Sharon Betters.

i have read the book previously and I am very passionate about this subject!
As believers we need to realize as the book says they we ARE God’s Promise keepers-What a concept…..

I mean really your spirit and attitude of encouragement may be the only positive thing in someones life and it may be the ONLY Christ they have ever.

After all we are called to be Christ-like and moody, cranky bad reactions are not anywhere close to being Christ-like.   SOOo what are you conveying are you being a promise keeper or a person of impatience, or shows a lack of compassion?