My Walk Monday- Aug 31 2009

This Past Friday My Husband had to do his second memorial service. That
makes a total of five to attend since we have been here. My husband’s
first memorial service was a woman Named Patty and she was the wife to
the man who passed away early last week.
Patty’s death was not a shock…she had been ailing for years and both
she and her husband Perry were nearing 90. And oh what a couple they
were But that is another blog post entirely!
What I wanted to write about was not what my husband said but what
another pastor said…and I have NEVER heard before!!
Psalm 23, a common passage read at funerals and memorial services and
sometimes taken out of context. Let me Explain…..
“Lo though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear
no evil”
It never dawned on me before but that is not the person who died…they
are not walking in the Shadow of death…They have passed through it
already. This passage is referring to the loved ones and it is a psalm
of comfort to those who are grieving someone who has died!
Now some or all of you may have knooown that but it gave me new light
on something so familiar!