Goals verses Resolutions

I remember back to one of my very first blog posts.  It was all about how I don’t do resolutions!  I have something else that I do and this year will be no different.  SETTING GOALS FOR THE YEAR AHEAD!

So why no resolutiona and why goals?  Well have no fear I will explain the difference and then share how I do my goals and then I will share my goals for this upcoming year!


Okay so RESOLUTIONS!  Resolutions are, shall we say, someimes (and I mean SOMETIMES) last minute not well thought out AND almost NEVER planned out.  You need to do those last two IF YOU WANT TO SUCCEED! And if you do those last two then the first one of Last minute is null in void!

Let’s give some examples:

I resolve to lose 5 pounds.  GREAT BUT HOW?  (you need a plan)

I resolve to spend more time with each of my kids. FANTASTIC, WHY?  (have a purpose behind why you do what you do!)

I resolve to spend more time in my sewing room making stuff for the kids.  WOOHOO BUT WHAT?  (what types of things do you want to achieve?)

The problem with resolutions is that they tend to be too vague!

Goals on the other hand can be some of the same BUT once you start thinking in terms of a goal to reach you need to think through how that is possible!!

A few examples might be:

I want to grow more in  my relationship with God by reading my bible for 30 minutes every day and praying for 30 minutes. (you can add as much detail as you like)

I would like to lose 30 pounds by using the Wii fit plus program for 45 minutes every other day and watching the calories I put into mybody.

I want to spend more time with my kids individually by changing the bed times to individual prayer time and switch with hubby each night.  (Hubby gets two one night and I get the other two and we switch each night)

NOW…a key to achieving and remembering our goals is to REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!!!  If you want to achieve your goals you must, and I cannot emphasize this enough, MUST review them weekely!  Set a time aside to review them or CHANGE them.  YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR GOALS.  They are NOT gospel!  Life changes and life can sometimes become insane!

And lastly…..Be careful not to set your goals too high BUT also be careful not to set them too low!  You want to stretch yourself as a person.  If you achieve your goals the first week in February you set them too low!  You don’t want to overwhelm yourself BUT you also don’t want to cut yourself short!


OK so now that we have the ground rules laid here is my layout.  Feel free to steal it if you like BUT if you use it on your blog give credit where credit is due.  It’s plagerism otherwise!

Goals for 2012

Family Goals

  1. ______________________________________
  2. ______________________________________
  3. ______________________________________
  4. ______________________________________
  5. ______________________________________

Spiritual goals

  1. _______________________________________
  2. _______________________________________
  3. _______________________________________
  4. _______________________________________
  5. _______________________________________

Personal Goals

  1. ______________________________________
  2. ______________________________________
  3. ______________________________________
  4. _______________________________________
  5. _______________________________________

Ministry Goals

  1. ______________________________________
  2. ______________________________________
  3. _______________________________________
  4. _______________________________________
  5. ________________________________________

Fun Goals

  1. ______________________________________-
  2. ______________________________________
  3. ______________________________________
  4. ______________________________________
  5. ______________________________________

Now as you can see you can copy and paste this.  You can omit a heading or add more or less lines.  You can customize this for you and your family!

I will post my goals later as I haven’t quite finished them yet!!!