Happy Homemaker Monday 6/7/2015


The weather in my neck of the woods: Overcast, windy and ready to storm, they are calling for quite the storms all day

Things that make me happy:Kittens…just scroll to see why

Menu for this week:

Monday: Spaghetti Dinner

Tuesday Chili

Wednesday Taco Casserole

Thursday: Crockpot pulled pork

Friday :Pizza

Saturday BBQ Chicken potato Salad

What’s on my TV today:Bob the Builder

Looking around the house: EVERYTHING needs work!

On my To Do List: Spring cleaning a few loads of Laundry summer schedules and writing LOTS ad LOTS of writing

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon: I tried a Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole  Recipe from Pinterest…AMAZING!

In the craft basket: Nothing BUT my craft room is in DESPERATE need of help

Looking forward to this week: A cleaner house…no joke 🙂

Tips and Tricks: Checklists Checklists Checklists!

My favorite blog post this week: HMMM none really, there was not much time for extra-curricular reading!

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):None right now!

No words needed (favorite photo or picture):IMG_20150608_072343_432

Lesson learned the past few days:Sometimes all it takes is changing your mindset. Confidence really comes from Practicing…..lack of confidence roots itself in FEAR. (From my own thoughts)
On my mind: Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses: In the beginning……Reading Genesis chapter 1 Today.

For more Happy Homemaker Posts Check out Diary of a Stay at Home Mom