

Dear Eve,

I read all about you today! I can’t imagine how amazing the garden of Eden looked. Was it hot or was it cool? We have rainforests that some people compare the garden of Eden with, boy do I wish I could send you there to see what you think. And all thos animals, tell me what does a Lion’s mane feel like? Are monkeys just as mischievous as they are now? And what does your favorite fruit in the garden taste like? Is it sweet, tangy, or sour? And my biggest question of all, what’s it like to talk to God and have him answer back…immediately…. in an audible voice?All you have to do is call His name and He’s there, talking to you, HOW EXCITING!What does his voice sound like? Is it deep and gruff or is it soft and sweet, like a soft breeze through leaves of a tree? What do you talk about with God? What does he tell you? It must be amazing when He tells you He loves you, He’s your Creator after all. Did you know you and Adam are the only two to ever see what PERFECT looks like. Things aren’t perfect here at all. There are things called volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados, tidal waves AND SNOW…and a lot of snow all at once with heavy winds is called a blizzard…it’s HORRIBLE. Everything but blizzards can destroy whole cities, islands and countries. People run around cities killing each other based on their differences of religions, colors of skin and just because they want to. There are women who have their babies killed while they are still in their bodies, because they look at them as inconveniences or a mistake when God put them there for a purpose. Then those moms years down the road have such great shame and sorrow for their unborn child who never got the chance at life, who never got to see a frog or feel wet grass between their toes or to be tickled…and giggle and giggle and giggle. Eve I know that you felt great shame too. I know that your perfect world was turned upside down when you too made a wrong decision. When you chose to heed the words of the serpent over the words of your Creator God. You are the only woman who has ever seen both sides….the side of perfection and the side of imperfection. From a place of peace, rest, and a complete relationship with God to a place where you experienced true toil, pain in childbirth, true heartache, suffering and an intense sense of lonliness and seperation as you and God and your husband were no longer unified as you once were. You went from complete peace to hardship….and you in effect lost two sons. Cain killed Abel out of jealousy and anger and then Cain was exiled from you. Oh Eve how did you make it through those hard times? What did you learn? Did you grow deeper in your relationship with God? Did you feel as though there was no possible way God could ever love you again because of that mistake you made? If so what got you through? Somedays I feel as though I am not good enough, that I have failed too many times and that God could NEVER use a failure such as me. How can I encourage those who feel as you did and as I do now? I cant wait to talk to you soon, for it’s far sooner than any of us realize!

Your friend Mary