A young Mom Update

First of all let me get something off my chest! Can I just say it drives me nuts when people think they know somebody and their situation. Big named people get the raw end of the deal in my opinion. We on the outside build them up to a god/goddess status and then when they come crashing off the pedestal we built up for them we think they “can’t hack it.” Now I would just like to point out that celebs are people too> They are humans and sinners just as we are. God loves them just as much and He wants them to be brought unto Himself. He longs for them to be His children as well no matter what they have done or said!

That being said I have an update on the young woman I posted about. I got some great responses for this prayer request. This young woman the day I posted attempted suicide. My heart has been burdened for this young mom for some time. For those of you who have not read my other post here is a brief summary. I know of a young mom who is two years younger than myself. She has two children about 12 months apart. She was recently diagnosed with Postpartum depression and is seriously ill. She attempted suicide the day I last posted. I appreciate all of your prayers for her. Well I don’;t really think I would have gotten such a positive response had I told you who she was. Now for the identity of this young mom…she is the young Brittney Spears… Yep you are shocked aren’t you. maybe appalled. .if you only knew it was her perhaps you would not have been so compassionate. Wait a minute that’s not what Christ intended. He had compassion on the least liked and loved…real sinners..harlots, tax payers, gentiles, those who were demon possessed ..real outcasts of society. Now I do say we should condone what she has done but what I do say is love her for the pain she has experienced. She is a lone and she needs prayer. And most importantly she needs SALVATION!