Choosing Courage: Week 3 Update

Hey all! Welcome to my week 3 update. I cannot believe we are at day 22 of the Choosing Courage 100 day writing Project. Tonights post is going to be super short. Mostly because I have a headache. This project is flying by.

Progress on Hello Fears

I am sad to say I haven’t made much progress in it. We can chalk it up t poor time management ands crazy busy schedule and tiredness- from said crazy busy schedule.

I am actually going to finish Chapter 3 before heading to bed tonight-

(Hello Fears is a book I am currently blogging through – new concept for me, This is not a review and I am not recommending this book by blogging through it- My review and any recommendations will come once I finish the book.

Family Update

Tonight was the older two kiddos first soccer game of the season. And I actually got to go watch it. Last year with al of the restrictions I had to rely on pics but I got first hand experience of watching them play!

Blogging Update

I am doing it. Three days a week are harder posts to write but I have settled into the new blogging schedule quite well. I had a whopping one day where I was ahead ! LOL. But I have a plan to get ahead by the end of the week…for night’s like tonight where I have a headache and wan to go to bed!

I also really don’t like posting at night time but that is the rhythm I now find myself in. (I used to blog at nap time- but since I am the only one who sometimes takes naps I guess that isn’t going to help me! ) That’s why being a couple of days ahead.

What I have learned by choosing courage

I am enjoying the process though with turning out so much content I am struggling to give each post the attention it needs. Which is a great realization, It gives me perspective for once the 100 days of this writing project is over. I need build in space to “sit on” aka think about a post before I post it. I can’r tell you the number of times I woke up a day or two later with a FABULOUS idea to add to the post. And before long I get into my day and forget all about it.

The second thing I have learned is that I NEED to do my writing in the morning. I am not quite sure what this looks like in our current lives. I just know it needs to happen because that is when my mind is the sharpest and when I have the most energy!

How about you have you joined me on this journey? are you Choosing Courage in some area or are you doing the 100 Day Project in a completely different way? If so let me know in the comments bellow.

If you are new here check out the other Choosing Courage posts here.