In the past I haven’t shred what we have done for school. It just seems like such a trigger subject for so many Christians and I just Shied away from the conflict it could bring. I had a blog post about last years school choice all set and then I chickened out. It was just easier to avoid the school choice drama.
Well you all know the journey I am currently on and I am working on eradicating the fear out of my writing so I’m just gonna preface this here before we get started. …..this is our choice. I am not going to force our choice on someone else. And I likewise expect the same respect.
It is what works for our family in this season…..and I can tell you we have done it all. We have had kids in public school (Hubby and I both went to public school)- and we had good reasons for it.
All four kids at some point have been in Christian school and we have had great reasons for that too.
And we have just homeschooled one kid while the other kids were at a different school- and we have had great reasons for that.
And both last year and this year we are homeschooling all four kids and we have GREAT reasons for that.

Expect more posts about homeschooling this year! Just little did-bits that have helped us through the process and remember we are homeschooling two special needs kids too. That adds an extra element of excitement around here!
Thanks for joining me on this journey!
To Read more Choosing Courage posts Click here (yes we just finished Day 13!)