So Now what?

So tonight as I stood preparing our supper at the stove (that’s where I get most of my ideas for blog posts) I thought about Former president George W. Bush. Today was the end of his second term in office and as I watched him walk down that long corridor he had such a look of sadness….. What does a man do after he has been president of the United States of America? As every little boy and girl dreams of what they will be when they are gown up there are shadows of having the most important job in the land! So say that dream comes true…You become president of the United Sates…Not once are you elected but twice . You had the full experience…So my question is the same as in the title of this blog post…So now what? Well I can tell you for starters what he will be doing…I know he will because despite his shortcomings he has held true to his faith and I believe he will do this because he loves his country!
Pray for President-Elect Obama

I Guess We Should Call Him Captain Obvious!

Matt Damon…Some might call him sexy, a genius, a …well if you like him fill in the blank…well I was reading an online news source about the upcoming election when I read something that left me…. Well…. speechless. Which was followed by a laugh out loud sort of moment. The article had a snippet of what famous people had to say about John McCaain’s pick for V.P.– Governor Sarah Palin. He said.

Senator McCain’s Choice of Governor Palin was purely Political

. UMMMM. The last time I checked the race for President was as “political” as it gets!! Not to mention it’s all Politics. Who Obama picked was also political. Politics is political. I think his “genius” is limited to that of his acting ability..And to that I say…..well you tell me what do you think!?! Oh and one more thing…..How Many States are there in the United States of America…The average American would PROBABLY say 50…the correct answer…But a Presidential candidate got it wrong when he said 57..That right 57 States….Can you guess who that was!!???

Death Penalty for Rape is Cruel and Unusual Punishment? —Use discretion!

I have a ton to catch up on so here’s political article I wanted to draw to your attention!

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Wednesday outlawed executions of people convicted of raping a child. In a 5-4 vote, the court said the Louisiana law allowing the death penalty to be imposed in such cases violates the Constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment. “The death penalty is not a proportional punishment for the rape of a child,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in his majority opinion. His four liberal colleagues joined him, while the four more conservative justices dissented.

Now that being said….how many of you think it is cruel and unusual punishment for that child to be raped! That person has taken the life away from that child and killed their innocence. That is so very hard to work through, not impossible but EXTREMELY difficult! It’s funny how we once cared about the victim and now the courts have switched to caring for the criminal! They “seem” to have rights that surpass all others. The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution states:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The declaration goes on to state:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. –That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,…

You can go here and read the rest of the Constitution. I think I have said enough and if you don’t get my point and the intentions of our forefathers than maybe e you need to spend some time studying the Constitution! Thanks to my 8th grade history teacher who made us memorize the preamble and other portions of the Bill Of Rights and the Constitution! Because of him, I know I had a great education!

Abortion Stats.

New York Each year approximately 61,700 teenagers become pregnant in New York.
In 1996, the pregnancy rate in New York for teen girls 15-17 years old was 70 per 1,000.
In 1999, the CDC reported 5,679 abortions performed on girls 16 and under in New York.
22.9% of New York abortions are performed on girls 16 and under.
109,940 teenagers are seen each year at New York family planning clinics.
Each year, 64,730 New York teenagers receive birth control or other services from Title X clinics.
In New York, approximately 39,580 teenagers receive birth control or other services from Planned Parenthood every year.
Each year approximately 27,130 teenagers become pregnant in Pennsylvania.
In 1996, the pregnancy rate in Pennsylvania for teen girls 15-17 years old was 42 per 1,000.
In 1999, the CDC reported 1,487 abortions performed on girls 16 and under in Pennsylvania.
22.2% of Pennsylvania abortions are performed on girls 16 and under.
91,880 teenagers are seen each year at Pennsylvania family planning clinics.
Each year, 78,410 Pennsylvania teenagers receive birth control or other services from Title X clinics.
In Pennsylvania, approximately 29,400 teenagers receive birth control or other services from Planned Parenthood every year.
To me this is some very startling statistics. I can’t begin to imagine that some of my friends/family or people that i know from church or other various places fit into these numbers. Thanks

Did you hear….

About the man who was on trial for stealing and using a stolen credit card. The man’s lawyer claimed that his (the criminal) client should have his bail lowered because he went to church. The judge taken back by such a request asked the man to quote the 23rd Psalm. When the man recited it word for word he was granted his request. Now if I were the judge I would have asked the man on trial to recite the 10 commandments and then told him that he should not have taken something that did not belong to him and that he was lucky I didn’t impose the same penalties the Old Testament called for and then said his bail stayed the same. In a similar incident a man placed a claim with his insurance company that some very expensive cigars had been burned in a series of 12 small fires. The insurance company took him to court for this invalid claim. However the judge saw it differently and granted the man his claim. Now within the week the same man was arrested for 12 counts of arson. He was tried and convicted. Now that was a great judge!