life In The Fishbowl: My Greatest Joy and Priveledge!

In a few short months hubby and I along with our 3 oldest children will mark our 5 years in ministry at our current church…..little bean came a little over a year in!  And as much as I love this church, it is not my greatest joy or Privilege to serve them.  Matter of fact my greatest joy and priviledge isn’t a lot of things, but it is 4 things!

And here they are….


No joke….they are my greatest joy, outside of God and my dear husband!  They are the four most amazing little people you will ever meet….if you give them a chance!   You see in the world we live in, so many people see four kids and think (and sometimes say) “wow you have your hands full!”

Yes, the boys are my biggest challenge.  They are also balls of energy! And most days are more than I bargained for, but  boy do I love them to bits!  

If I have said it once I have said it a thousand times.  

That’s exactly how I look at it to!   Most days anyway!  Truth of the matter is, I lost this perspective for awhile!  One person in particular was incredibly hard on our two oldest children.  And in two years time watched her destroy one child and in oneof those   two years destroy a second child.  The problem is this, I also fell prey to her.  I became overly critical and tough on these two sweet kids.  I became glaringly aware that  I was letting someone who barely knew my children to say how awful they were! As I journeyed through this last year and as I searched introspectively at my heart concerning my amazing little people, I grew sad for I had missed some very special and proud mommy moments, and for what, the judgement of other people who didn’t take the time to get to know them.

I regret that fully but, as I move forward, from this moment, my eyes are open watching for my little servants sprouting their branches and flowers!

So how can my 8,7, almost 6 and 3 1/2 year old ministry kids impact the people around them?   Well let me break it down by kiddo!  

Munchkin #1 is 8 but at 5,6, and 7 he chose on his own to attend funerals not just for family members but for church family as well.  He has made special friends with a young man in our church with muscular dystrophy, he drew him pictures, and attended his funeral when his friend passed away this past year.  He has made hospital visits with his dad, nursing homes visits with me, and wept  tears of sadness as elderly friends are graduated from this life to heaven.  He was “caught” this week wiping down the counters and cupboards in the church kitchen without being told to.

Little bug, at 6  attended her first funeral this year, also of her own choice, has made nursing home visits, loves on the elderly people in our church and most recently was seen sitting by a wonderful lady with Alzheimer’s who  was once a school teacher, and what were they doing?  READING!   She started out reading to Bug but by the end she was teaching her!  Helping her learn.  The joy on both their faces was beyond words….no one asked Bug to go keep this wonderful lady company…she just did it!

Then there is Munchkin #3.   He’s our autistic son, and yet he still blesses others, just through his smile.  Not a week goes by that people talk about him and his smile!  Do you know what kind of blessing it is that he even does that?  It’s huge for us.   And last week, he said during the worship time at church one of the most amazing things…..he had come off of a VERY tough week and we were sitting in the narthex listening when he took his thumb out of his mouth and said “i love God, I want to give him my pajamas”.  Instant tears….you see his pajamas are one of his most prized and necessary possessions.  They are so important to him that the feet have been worn almost completely off!  They are what he puts on right after school most days because they are “comfy”.

And last but definitely not least is Munchkin #4…..and even though he is not  old enough to do the things that the others are doing, he still loves everybody.  His smiles, hugs, and his newest encouragement “i miss you” melts most hearts.  

There is nothing like watching your YOUNG kids walk up to a grieving person at a funeral, wrap their arms around that person, whisper unprompted condolences, wipe away their own tears and say, I’m praying for you!   All I have to do is stand back and watch!

Or when daddy gets a phone call that interrupts family plans and he must rush off to the hospital….do they complain….nope, they suggest an impromptu family prayer meeting! For both daddy and the family concerned!  EVEN IF THEY DON’t know them!

Are they perfect no, but neither am I  but I have 25+ years on them, and if I’m not perfect yet, I have no reason to expect four little munchkins to be better than I.  

One last thing I have learned from these amazing little people.  Despite the fact that they get hurt by people (and yes they heard your impatience, your unkindness, your ungratefulness, your ungraciousness, your lack of care, your arrogance, your coldness) they still pray for you when you are sick, they cry when you are hurting, they still hug you when they see you and they talk about you like you are the greatest thing since sliced bread when you’re not around.  That’s called unconditional love and forgiveness.(And no you NEVER asked for it…they gave it because they are that cool!)

And that my dear friends is why I consider them my greatest joy and privilege!